Label STEP

About Us

Label STEP is more than just a label. STEP is the fair trade non-profit organization committed to the wellbeing of weavers and workers in the handmade carpet industry. To address the complex issues of the handmade carpet industry at their roots, it takes a solutions-based approach.

Learn more about the organization and its philosophy →

STEP Countries

STEP is the only non-governmental organization of its kind working in all major handmade rug and carpet producing countries.

See where Label STEP is working →

The STEP Standard

Label STEP’s industry-leading 10-point Standard provides the broadest and strictest labour, health, safety, social and environmental rules in the carpet industry.

Learn more about STEP’s Fair Trade Standard→

Weaver Empowerment

STEP’s Weaver Empowerment program offers weavers and workers the opportunity to educate themselves – providing them with all the tools and supports necessary to build new skills and improve their wellbeing.

 Learn more about STEP’s Weaver Empowerment program→


STEP works with local staff to ensure fair trade practices are tailored to the circumstances of the community.

More information coming soon.