Protection from Discrimination

No forms of discrimination

As with other standards non-discrimination is not only monitored but actively promoted among employers as well as workers by STEP auditors on their regular monitoring visits but also in special Weaver Empowerment programs. Special focus is on protecting women and migrant workers from discrimination.


Discrimination of any kind is forbidden. Any distinction, exclusion or preference made on the basis of race or caste, colour, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, national origin, political affiliation, social origin or union membership, and which may affect equality of opportunities or treatment at the workplace, is forbidden.


All workers shall have equal rights in terms of hiring, remuneration, training, promotion, retirement, ending of contracts or in any other aspect of employment.


Other STEP Standards

Audits and Transparency

Health and Safety

Fair Wages

Prohibition of Child Labour

Freedom of Association

Prohibition of Forced Labour

Humane Treatment

Regulation of Working Hours

Environmental Protection

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